Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Red Antherium

Well, here I go again. Another tropical flower! I have painted lots of tropical flowers, but only now I have recently started to paint antheriums. What wonderful heart shapes they have! Many tourists think that these flowers are actaully "fake" due to their thick, waxy look. I feel that these flowers represent LOVE because of their heart shape and red colors.
This is an Original Watercolor. Size: 6.5"x8" Price: $50

Aloha from the Garden Island of Kauai!



Tagscats said...


Jean Levert Hood said...

Marionette, I hear often, "Paint what you know", and your tropical flowers certainly reflect your knowledge and connection to the flowers of your state. I owned a nursery and florist years ago, and I love to paint flowers! So, keep those beautiful tropical delights coming our way.