Monday, August 2, 2010

Suspension No. 2-Original Abstract by Sarah John Afana

Bubbles form and begin to rise as they float or flow within a fluid they travel along changing shapes while separating or merging. If you could stop that flow and capture a split second to see them suspended it would be an image like no other.

Suspension No. 2 is an original acrylic painting on archival rag board, 11 x 14 inches (27.94 x 35.56 cm). It is created in many layers including silver metallic ink outlining the bubbles. The image is signed on the front; signed, dated and titled on the back. It has a double coat of varnish for protection. Available at


Elizabeth said...

This is a very beautiful work. I am reminded of microscopic inspections of the cosmos, under the sea or cells.

Sarah John Afana said...

That's what it reminds me of the view through a microscope of some variety of specimen.