Monday, September 15, 2008

Peaceful art by the hillbilly artist

These are three new pieces in my Peace Art Project.... to read more about it please visit my blog, which is updated daily. The HiLLbiLLy ArTiST'S "PEaCE of ArT a Day " ~ ProJeCt ~ 365 days of peace art

Day # 18 " Peace of art a day project"
14" x 12"
acrylic on wood board
" sing out loud for peace"

Day # 17 "Peace is in your heart"

14" x 11"

acrylic on wood

Number 16 "Peace of Art a Day Project"
24" x 16"

acrylic on wood


sojournquilts said...

I really like the simplicity...and yet depth...of these three pieces.

Anonymous said...

The warmth and calmness of these works comes
through loud and clear.

Christoff Creations said...

Thank you both...I was reading about the monks in Tibet this past week. What calm peaceful people they are. I wish I could have such calm about me.
It is a shame that China is treating them so terrible.