Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cottage Bouquet

I have had so much fun this week, playing with the new art supplies I got for Christmas. My new Kolinsky sable watercolor brushes are awesome, and I've been inspired to try some new techniques.

This is my first attempt at a more spontaneous style of painting. I began by randomly dropping scrunched kleenex on the paper and drawing around them. Then I laid in a wash of Rhodonite (pink), New Gamboge (yellow) and Cobalt (blue). I pressed some hydrangea flowers and dropped them onto the wet paint, along with several pinches of salt. It looked a little like a tie dye shirt from the 60's!

Then, I began looking for flower shapes and slowly sketched out a bouquet. The next few days were filled with adding layers upon layers to create the flowers and background. Throughout the whole painting, I only used these three colors, mixing and layering to get all the varied colors!

Thanks for taking a look... I'd love to hear what you think! You can see my painting and my store on Etsy by clicking HERE.

~Melanie, The Creators Palette

1 comment:

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

Gorgeous and Graceful!!!!