Thursday, November 29, 2012

Watercolor & Collage Fun!

I produced a some little watercolors the past week.  The little scene below was inspired by what I saw looking out the window of a restaurant as we were eating lunch.  All these little sparrows seemed to be so gleeful and enjoying their little bird life!

14 Sparrows (SOLD)
Patricia Lee Christensen
Watercolor on 140 lb Arches Cold Press Paper
(Flying on its way to a buyer in the UK)

I added an element of fun by doing some collage work with rice paper over watercolor on heavy cold press illustration board.  The deckle edge watercolor below is on 140 lb Arches cold press and mounted over the collage.

 Winter Mourning Dove
Patricia Lee Christensen
!0" x 8" Watercolor and Rice Paper Collage
Available at my ETSY SHOP

In the small work below I used little bits of lovely fabric scraps given to me by my Mother who is a quilter.  The deckle edge painting is mounted over the fabric collage which is adhered to heavy illustration board. 

Winter Chickadee
Patricia Lee Christensen
7" x 5"  Watercolor and Fabric Collage
Available at my ETSY SHOP


Lisabongzee ~ Island Dream Life said...

These are all beautiful and so peaceful feeling. My favorite is the little Chickadee!

Janice Kay Schaub said...

one of my favourite birds, I would love to paint one but I know it would not be as good as this. I love it