Monday, June 22, 2009

Making Prints From My Greeting Card Designs

The other day I was in Shiretown Books doing a clean-up of all the cards I have with them. After inventorying and re-organizing the cards, about twenty-five orphaned envelopes were left over. I asked Kelly Larson, the owner about it. "How is it that people buy cards and forget to take an envelope?"

"Oh no," she replied, "They don't forget. A lot of people buy your cards as little pieces of art. They go home and frame them. They don't want the envelope."

Really? I was amazed. That made me wonder if I should be offering a larger version of the same design, quote and all, in a little wrapped print suitable for framing in a standard frame. Hmmm. I think I will have some printed up and see how they do. Last Christmas I actually printed and framed a few and gave them as presents to my children. They looked very nice.

Anyways, here are two quick snapshops of my newest card designs in their most recent incarnations. They will both be formatted as 5x7 greeting cards with charming quotations in the center space. In the second one there are two birds in opposite corners and a snake winding up the left side - as yet unpainted. I would say this painting is three or four movies away from completion.

When these cards are finished, you will find them (and possibly their prints) in my Etsy shop: To follow my process and new work, please take a look at my art blog:


Becky Brocato said...

Lovely! Also looked at your Etsy shop. Wonderful!

sojournquilts said...

Congrats on the card/art sales. Beautiful pieces!

DreamON said...

Just amazing!